Fertility Rates Of The West – Part 2
For decades, commercials, films, and «reality» TV have attempted to influence men to believe they need as much technical equipment as possible and for women to believe the same about clothes and shoes. Women, men, teens and children have all been exposed to role models that either is adventurous and without children – or with children and materialistic – and mostly silly. With spare time activities like “shopping”, with weekend binge drinking and holiday trips as a primary understanding of freedom, and with slogans like «shop till you drop», little consideration is given to investing in long-term quality of life or community building.
Both genders (if one is allowed to suggest there are two) have been inflicted by changes and redefinitions that hardly serves the desire to reproduce and establish a family. Media coverage about «toxic masculinity» does in principle describe all men (and boys) as an evil – and this is mainly directed towards men in the West or “White heterosexual males”. Directing the same rhetoric towards any other ethnicity would be dismissed as racist. In exchange for the «toxic masculinity» and “men are pigs” propaganda we get «toxic feminism» which becomes a fabricated rivaling between the genders.
Consumerism is in part a result of a better economy, but also due to several socio-cultural experiments and propaganda for obtaining this. Among others, this has been executed by the Frankfurt School, The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations and their branching organizations. These fabricated trends are typically branded Cultural Marxism, and critics state that the purpose has been a gradual destabilization of the solid societal structures of the West. As if two World Wars didn’t do enough harm, the wars continued into the psychological realm.
Some of the means are: promoting drugs, pornography and gangster culture in place of natural masculinity; promiscuity and narcissism in place of natural femininity; and the urban party life in place of engagement with family, community and nature. These characteristics are not what built the solid cultures and institutions of Europe and Northern countries and the early USA.

In addition, historical dishonest narratives are fronted where entire groups of people and nations are collectively blamed for tragedies caused by infiltrators and private interests. The narratives are typically taken out of context or ignoring the situation for the rest of the world at the time. Learning this, the young may be left with a feeling that couples in the West shouldn’t have children and, rather, replace them with immigration from Third World countries with high birthrates.
Even some researchers – either infiltrators or themselves victims of brainwashing – have published papers suggesting it would be for the better if Western people breed themselves out of history. On top of this, the UN have published their views and agendas titled Replacement Immigration. Replacing who with who?
On a positive note, teen birth rates have fallen considerably due to education and better birth control. People of this age aren’t in an ideal living situation for becoming parents. Birth control has its obvious purposes, but when this doesn’t turn into timing parenthood at some point, but only into staying childless, a generation disappears.
One can thus conclude that there are historical and manipulative factors that have coincided to reduce birth rates in the West. Strangely enough, there are even more factors that affect this negatively than those expressed here (likely to be discussed in a later article). One can hardly adjust a whole generation’s attitude towards having children without straightening out the aforementioned factors. There needs to be an increased awareness about what would be long-term gains – both for individuals, families and nations. By defining the problem, the solutions become almost obvious.