Globalism – and their political parties (Part 1)

Several of the established political parties support globalism – directly or indirectly – probably without realizing the consequences it can have for their own nation.
[This was originally published prior to the Norwegian election in 2017, and, as usual, it is still relevant today because it describes a general tendency in both domestic politics in the West and in geopolitics. In fact, in 2019 we are seeing growing reactions among the people in the West to this enforced political ideology]
In an internationalized world, both political and economic cooperation between borders is important. Globalism, an extensive and multifaceted term, isn’t just about fronting global trade and contact. It is to a large extent about forcing nations to give up their sovereignty and follow an anti-national unipolar power center, instead of today’s multipolar world with a chess situation between several power centers.
One can take a guess at which country (or two) that is supposed to be de facto leading in a unipolar power center. It is probably the same nation that has had world hegemony as a goal at least since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 [1]. Who controls this nation? No, it’s not president Donald Trump. There are numerous investigative journalists and “conspiracy theorists” that have, with good reasons, pointed at the growing influence of “The Deep State” or a “shadow government”. [2]
This is a foggy term for several actors. It constitutes among others the military-industrial complex, which must justify an annual budget exceeding one trillion dollars, taking black budgets and external costs into account [3]. Such a budget exceeds any country’s demand for defense numerous times and implies an entirely different intention with its military extent. President Eisenhower warned against the power of this complex in his farewell speech in 1961 [4] [5].

Photo: Nicholas Kamm / AFP / Getty Images
The shadow government includes several special interests and lobbies, with the Israel lobby as one of the most established according to the books “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” and “Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America” [6] [7]. This indicates that Washington’s interventional policy in the Middle East to a large extent serves Israel, but also the nation that needs access to oil resources.
The shadow government also serves mega-corporations and the so-called “one percent”, among others through Wall Street’s financial acrobatics, tax havens, and export of employment to low-cost countries. This has hollowed out the US real economy where all upward mobility in society has stagnated. The actual rate of employment is controversially estimated by Shadowstats to be above 20% and where all the new jobs often are low paid service jobs [8] [9].
Last but not least, the shadow government is those that George Bush Sr described as “the crazies in the basement” [9], that is, the Zionist neoconservative actors who have gotten an increasingly strong position through the administrations of Clinton, Bush, Obama and now also Trump.
In other words, the US keeps being governed by an administration that serves entirely different actors than the people it was supposed to serve. Is this a nation and a role model one still ought to look up to? The largest parties of the Norwegian parliament appear to do so [as is the case with numerous Western countries]. The proud “Norwegian model” will then become the US model which has become the Globalist’s model.

Activist Lauren Southern presents her explanation for what globalism is in this video.
See continuation in Part 2.
[1] Wolfowitz Doctrine
[2] Ron Paul: Beware Of The Shadow Government
[3] Jason Ditz: $1.1 Trillion National Security Budget
[4] Eisenhower on The Military Industrial Complex
[5] Eisenhower Speech
[6] Dr Paul Craig Roberts on The Israel Lobby
[7] Book: Big Israel
[8] ShadowStats on actual unemployment
[9] Dr Paul Craig Roberts on Labor Statistics